Bentley Descartes 2023

Convert All Connected Lines tool

Used to convert all raster branches forming a network of lines connected at intersections and to place a vector string for each raster line which is converted.

This tool can start conversion from anywhere on the network of lines to be converted: along a line, on an intersection, at the end of a line, or even on a node.

Line strings are then placed by converting raster in all possible directions from the starting point to the next break point (raster intersection points, raster end points, or nodes). When a break point is hit, the following conditions apply:

  • If the break point is a raster intersection, all other branches from there will be processed. This progressively converts all lines connected at intersections.

  • If the break point is the end of a line, obviously there is no attempt to process other branches from this point.

  • If the break point is a node, there is no attempt to process any other branch from this point.

If the starting point is on a node, the conversion process starts in every possible direction (excluding a branch that is already converted).

You will be prompted to identify the raster line or lines to be converted by entering a data point where conversion is to be started.